Are you looking for health related data for Benton Franklin Counties?
This page links to a variety of data resources concerning the health and well-being of Benton and Franklin Counties. Click on the titles/buttons on the left side of this Data & Reports page to view the available reports, unless you are accessing this website through a tablet or phone (click the titles below):
The Health District is able to provide staff, community stakeholders, and the public
with various types of information and reports. This data is gathered through
in-house data collection, analysis of existing data sets made available to
public health, and press releases from national and state level entities. Please contact the Performance Management
Department if you have any questions about the data resources, or if you have a
data request.
Trying to report a concern?
Visit our Complaints/Compliments section of our website.
Not seeing what you’re looking for?
Please complete the following form if you have a data request or contact the main BFHD phone line at (509) 460-4200 to get you connected to a member from the Performance Management Department to assist with questions about your data request.