The Arc of Tri-Cities Parent Coalition (English)
The Arc of Tri-Cities Parent Coalition (Spanish)
Perinatal Support Washington
Perinatal Support Washington (PS-WA) is a statewide non-profit committed to shining a light on perinatal mental health to support all families and communities. We support people in the emotional transition to parenthood, including those experiencing depression, anxiety, loss, infertility, trauma, and more.
Parent to Parent 2023 Schedule
Parent to Parent has a partnership with the Pasco, Kennewick & Richland School Districts to keep parents informed of services, events, support and navigating the system of support for developmental disabilities.
The Arc of Tri-Cities
The Arc of Tri-Cities focus is that individuals with developmental disabilities living in Benton and Franklin Counties are empowered to make informed choices and have services and supports to access those choices.
Guardianship and Conservatorship Guidebook
Dad Allies: Provider Learning Series | WA Interagency Fatherhood Council (
The Dad Allies Initiative established a series of responsive community, provider, and dad focused events to build Washington state’s father-friendly capacity to support dads to become the fathers their children and families need them to be.
These knowledge- and skill-building sessions with state and national presenters are held to strengthen our provider network to effectively engage and support fathers and father-figures.
Washington State Fathers Network
A Powerful Voice for Fathers and Families of Children with a Disability or Special Health Care Need.
Odessa Brown Children's Clinic Free Online Mindfulness Groups for Parents and Caregivers
The group offers drop-in clinics via Zoom Wednesday evenings. Teaching parents and caregivers about practicing mindfulness is a great way to support the parallel process. Zoom link provided in link above.
For developmentally disabled children, adults, and seniors. DDA is the point of entry for developmentally disabled persons requesting division services. Provides residential services, therapeutic services, family support, alternative living, tenant support, group homes, specialized group homes, and information.
There are many steps to receiving services from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). Our updated flowchart walks you through the ins and outs of the eligibility process.DDA-Eligibility-Flow-Chart.pdf (
Applying for Developmental Disability Services in Washington State Applying_DD_in_WA.pdf (
DDA Q&A on the No Paid services caseload DDA Q&A on the No Paid Services Caseload | Informing Families
The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) offers five Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers:
Each of the five waivers provides an array of services tailored to the specific populations they serve. Waiver services provide additional support when Medicaid state plan services and other supports are not sufficient. For more information about the waiver program, go to the Services and Information Request form, contact your Case Resource Manager, Social Worker, or regional DDA office.
DDA Waiver Availability and How to Request | Informing Families
Receiving services from the Developmental
Disabilities Administration is a multi-step process. DDA waivers are available,
but you must request them. Check out this link to learn how to request
services and waivers.
Service and Information Request | DSHS (
Developmental Disabilities Administration service and information request.
Informing Families
Informing Families is a resource provided by the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, in partnership with the Developmental Disabilities Administration. We offer trusted news and information to individuals and families that empowers them to be active participants in planning and building a network of support and opportunities.
Early-Childhood-Transition.pdf (
Describes the role of DDA services for ages birth-3 and beyond.
In-home caregiver resource
Carina is a resource to help DDA eligible individuals and contracted caregivers connect with each other.
Autism Resource Directory
Tri-Cities Autism Resource Directory from the Arc of the Tri-Cities
Autism Center - Seattle Children’s (
To meet the growing need for high-quality treatment, the Autism Center recently moved to Seattle Children’s Magnuson. At roughly 16,000 square feet, the re-imagined center will allow us to provide family-focused care to 25 percent more children over the next 5 years. Magnuson is also our hub for autism research, outreach and training so we can keep improving access and outcomes.
NAA’s Big Red Safety Box® | National Autism Association
The Big Red Safety Box is a free-of-charge toolkit given to autism families in need as a means to educate, raise awareness and provide simple tools that may assist them in preventing, and responding to, wandering-related emergencies.
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Behavior Resources
Down Syndrome Association of the Mid-Columbia
The mission of the Down Syndrome Association of the Mid-Columbia is to enhance the lives of individuals with Down syndrome by providing support, resources and information to families and community members and by promoting a heightened awareness and acceptance of individuals with Down syndrome.
Medicaid Premium Payment Program
Families that have dual coverage for their child (private insurance and Medicaid), May be eligible for the Medicaid Premium Payment Program. This program may provide reimbursement for private health insurance coverage for those receiving Apple Health (Medicaid)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Children Apply For A Child (Under Age 18) | Disability Benefits | SSA
CYSHCN-Managed Care Organization Contact List
Medicaid specialists for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Dial the numbers 211 or use the link to get connected to community resources statewide. Examples diaper banks, food, housing, employment, utilities, insurance, counseling and much more.
Community Resources – YARP Greater Columbia (
The Office of the Developmental Disabilities Ombuds (DD Ombuds) is a private, independent office focused on improving the lives of persons with developmental disabilities in Washington State. DD-Ombuds-Brochure-Current-English.pdf (
Parent Help 123
When you call Help Me Grow at 1-800-322-2588, we help you access the resources you need. Whether it be early childhood development screening, application assistance for health insurance, or help finding a food bank, parenting class or low-cost medical clinic, we are here to help.
People For People 211 Transportation Support
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation-Local trips require two (2) business days’ notice before your trip. Out-of-Area trips need five (5) business days’ notice before your trip. We accept trip requests up to 30 days in advance.
People for People Client Login
Benton Franklin Transit Reduced Fair Pass
Individuals that are non Dial-A-Ride eligible may qualify for a reduced pass with the following documentation:
- Medicare card
- Social Security Disability award letter
- Department of Vocational Rehab (DVR) and Division of Developmental Disability (DDD) letter
- Written attestation from a Medical/Mental Health care provider (On their letterhead or they can complete & sign our Reduced Fare application)
- WA State Handicap Parking ID (permanent)
Washington Nutrition Network
This project supports nutrition services for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and their families in Washington State.
Feeding Matters
Feeding Matters is the first organization in the world uniting the concerns of families with the field’s leading advocates, experts, and allied healthcare professionals to improve the system of care for pediatric feeding disorder through advocacy, education, support, and research.
Feeding Matters Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire© | Feeding Matters
Early detection and treatment of feeding problems are critical to the long-term health and well-being of affected children.
Home - Easy To Chew
This is a very neat website created by a dietitian, dentist, and public health nurse that showcases nutrient-dense puree and soft food recipes. They divide it up by meal, snack, side dishes, and smoothies. Recipes are also divided by texture (purees, soft foods, and advanced soft foods).
Three to Five Transition Toolkit
A guide from PAVE to Washington services for 3-5
year olds with disabilities
Three to Five Transition Toolkit - Spanish
Partnerships for Action, Voices for
Empowerment (PAVE) brinda apoyo,
capacitación, información y recursos para
empoderar y dar voz a personas, jóvenes y
familias que se ven afectados por
Childcare providers are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act and are prohibited from discriminating a child on the basis of having a disability (ADA Title III). Commonly Asked Questions About Child Care Centers & the ADA can provide you more information about the ADA and Child Care Centers.
WAC 110-300-0030 Non-Discrimination
(1) Early learning programs are defined by state law as places of public accommodation that must:
(a) Not discriminate in employment practices or client services based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, or ability; and
(b) Comply with the requirements of the Washington law against discrimination (chapter 49.60 RCW) and the ADA.
(2) An early learning program must have a written nondiscrimination policy addressing at least the factors listed in subsection (1) of this section.
Resources for families with special child-care needs | Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families