The Safe and Healthy Aging Coalition focuses on connecting and convening professionals and community members to promote the well-being of older adults in Benton & Franklin Counties. Coalition attendees learn about topics relevant to healthy aging, share resources, and focus on work to reduce health disparities and improve access to care. Coalition meetings provide a forum to connect with those who share a common focus in the area of Healthy Aging.

Meetings are held monthly on the third Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm via Microsoft Teams.

For more information on how to attend the next Safe and Healthy Aging Coalition Meeting contact Kelly @ 509.460.4241.

The Falls Prevention Coalition was formed in January of 2018 in response to data identifying falls as a leading cause of injury and death among older adults in Benton and Franklin Counties. The pandemic further shed light on the need to focus attention toward improving the health and quality of life for older adults. 

Benton-Franklin Health District joined in partnership with the Washington State Department of Health, Trust for America’s Health, and the John A. Hartford Foundation to participate in the Age-Friendly Public Health Systems endeavor. Benton-Franklin Health District is now officially recognized as an Age-Friendly Public Health System prioritizing work to improve health by focusing on equity, social determinants of health, ageism, social connection, prevention education, access to care, built environment and other areas that impact longevity and quality of life. Part of this work includes aligning with community partners in connecting and convening to enable collaboration from multiple stakeholders.

Founding members of the Falls Prevention Coalition welcomed the healthy aging focused scope of work, reached out to more community partners, and expanded to become the Safe and Healthy Aging Coalition.  Falls prevention remains a key area of focus along with the many other topics related to healthy aging for all residents throughout their life course. The attendees of our Safe and Healthy Aging Coalition are dedicated community members who are often subject matter experts in a wide variety of fields related to healthy aging. Connecting through the coalition increases the ability to work together to best serve the residents of Benton and Franklin counties. 

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