Falling may cause serious injury and is a safety concern for people of all ages, particularly older adults. Fortunately, falls can be prevented by addressing known risk factors. Consider these steps to reduce fall risk.

Modify fall hazards in your home

Approximately 50%-70% of falls are due to hazards in the home, so it’s crucial to identify and correct risks in the home:

  • Keep stairways, halls, and walkways well lit; install nightlights in bathroom and bedroom
  • Keep walkways free of clutter and trip hazards, including picking up dropped objects promptly, clearing walkways of electrical cords, and securing rugs with double-stick tape or tacks
  • Install secure handrails on both sides of stairways and steps
  • Make sure furniture is easy for you to get in and out of (knee height or higher is easiest)
  • Install and use wall grab bars by the toilet and inside the shower/tub area
  • Line the tub or shower with non-skid mats or non-slip adhesive strips

Focus on exercise and physical activity

Even if you should fall, being in good physical condition will lower your chances of serious injury and raise your ability to heal quickly and completely. Talk to your health care provider about what kinds of exercise, activity, or falls prevention program are best for you.

Care for your vision

Eye disease and normal aging can make it difficult to read fine print, judge distance or identify objects clearly. These factors can affect sense of balance or depth perception which increases falls risks. Labels such as medication instructions may become more difficult to read. Have your vision checked annually and prescriptions updated as needed.

Manage your medication

The more medications taken, the greater the risk of side effects. Symptoms can range from dizziness to drowsiness, vision impairment and loss of balance, all of which can increase risk of falls.

  • Keep a complete and updated medication list, including prescriptions, over the counter medications, herbs, and vitamins, and always carry it with you. Bring your medication list every time you visit the doctor or hospital.
  • Have all your medications filled at one pharmacy. Ask your pharmacist or your doctor about drug interactions (“Will this medication interfere with my other medications?”).
  • Take your medications as indicated, don’t skip or decrease the dose to cut cost. If you take more than one prescription, create a system and regular routine for taking your medications.
  • Always ask your doctor before you start an herbal supplement or over-the counter remedy and don’t forget to ask your pharmacist to check for herb-drug interactions.
  • Report adverse drug reactions to your doctor immediately