No doubt this year’s Mother’s Day is going to be a little different than normal. This year won’t include a lingering restaurant brunch, day spa visit, or weekend getaway, at least not right away. While you’re honoring mom along with Washington’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, you can still treat her to a special day.
Here are a few ideas to get you started. If you’re in the same household, you can enjoy the activities together. If not, ship mom a few favorites or supplies and use video conferencing to connect:
- Spa at home:With temperatures heating up, who doesn’t need a pedicure (or at least a new coat of polish) to prepare for flip-flop season? Add a face mask, manicure, and an application of sunless tanner and mom will feel staycation-ready.
- Wine tasting: Break out a few local bottles for tasting (make it more fun by hiding the labels for a blind tasting), dust off the charcuterie board, and treat mom to a sampling along with a few cheeses, fruits, and crackers. Make it al fresco by sitting outside and you won’t miss being at your favorite winery!
- Breakfast in bed: What mom doesn’t love waking up on a Sunday morning with breakfast already prepared? If you’re celebrating mom from afar, send her a package of coffee beans along with a few pastries packaged to last (Spudnuts offers curbside pickup!). Alternatively, pay for a gift card to her favorite coffee shop or brunch spot.
- Backyard picnic: It’s just like when you were a kid, except this time, you’re doing all the work! Spread out a blanket, prepare some finger foods, and while away the afternoon in the sun.
- Movie marathon: When is the last time you let your mom pick the movie? Grab some popcorn, give mom the remote, and snuggle in for an afternoon of rom-coms. If mom isn’t in the same household, try a Netflix watch party that synchronizes video playback and adds a chat window!
- DIY gifts: On a budget or want to show mom your appreciation with something homemade? Ideas abound online. Here’s one that’s tried and true:
Homemade Sugar Scrub
- ½ c. sugar
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 5-7 drops of essential oil (rosemary, lemon, peppermint, or lavender work well)
Mix sugar and oil together. Add essential oil and stir. Place in a mason jar or other sealed glass container. Decorate with a ribbon and label.
Happy Mother’s Day!