Farmers markets and produce stands are considered essential businesses during the COVID-19 response. The markets are a key piece of our communities where we find local, fresh, and healthy food. Some accept nutrition benefit programs like WIC or SNAP, opening more healthy options for families.
At this time, farmers markets will be offering fresh produce and allowable foods. Vendors who do not sell these items are not allowed under current health orders. Also, no samples or eating on-site will be allowed.
BFHD staff have been working with our local markets to ensure the health and safety of the vendors and buyers. Measures must be taken to keep people safe and healthy at markets. Just like at grocery stores, people shopping at farmers markets should take precautions:
Keep at least six feet of distance from others as much as possible
Wear a cloth face cover
Send only one member per household to shop if possible
Stay only as long as needed to purchase essential items
Pre-order and pre-pay if the option is available so you can grab and go
Don’t touch or smell products. Let the vendor bag your purchases.
Pay with a card or digital payment options if you can, or pack small bills so you can pay with exact amounts to minimize cash handling
Wash your hands before and after going to the market, and rinse your produce when you get home. Pack hand sanitizer to use before and after you visit the market. If you pack your produce in reusable bags, wash the bags, too.
Leave pets at home.
Be patient and compassionate. Vendors are working hard to keep themselves and their customers healthy. Don’t crowd or rush people. The layout and rules of your local farmers market may be different than what you’re used to, and at times it may take longer to get to your favorite booths and purchase your items. While the experience may be different, the end result will still be fresh, local healthy food for your enjoyment.